In contributing to DRAGONrealm, or any other DRAGON web site, or their affiliates, you release all copyright of the contributed work to Shrink-Rapid Publications and WorldMaker Online, unless otherwise agreed. You shall be given full credit for such work, but all reprints of your story will be the sole discretion of WorldMaker Online, Shrink-Rapid Publications, DRAGON, and their affiliates. No money will be asked solely for your peice, and any repackaging that is sold will be dealt with on a contractual basis. Authors who frequently contribute DRAGON material will be eligible for more benefits, and to become members of a DRAGON web site, affiliate, or the DRAGON network itself. Contributed works must not have been previously released in any form, unless otherwise agreed upon, and they will be read over, edited, and rewritten as seen fit by the Editors of DRAGON and its affiliates. Now that we are done with the legal stuff, I'll tell you how to contribute. To contribute e-mail zuruchu@hotmail.com and include written works as ASCII text inside the Body of the E-Mail. Other works will be dealt with on a one on one basis, e-mail the above address, and describe the type of work. Also, if you have ICQ, you can contact me directly. My ICQ # is 7324535. |