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Hello, I am DRAGON's editor, and I guess its my duty to write this column. : ). Anyway, I want to discuss DRAGON's future. I am asked about my plans a lot when I tell people about the 'zine. I have lots of plans, so I will jump right in.

First, I am looking into advertisers and advertising solutions that will help get DRAGON off the ground. We're looking into a new server and a domain name. When we get these we will probably be offering Staff Writers special opportunities like forwarding addresses e-mail addresses, a small offering of personal space for information on our staff, as well as an Arcbar (on the Archival pages) variation which will have links to all their stories on DRAGON.

Second, I am looking for more writers of more variety, especially Staff Writers. I personally finish stories in any odd order, and this means that my fantasy stories are sublimally on the back burner.

Third, I am working with Shrink-Rapid, our publishing company, on an HTML engine (Codename: ROCKET) which will be built in sections. The first section, the Pre Rendering Engine (preROCKET) will start work soon... When it is launched I'll be able to do some interesting Interactive stuff with plain HTML.

Now, about this issue, I have, of course, started the Letter From The Editor column. I have also put together new cooler looking logos which add some style to the pages. The great clipart is from ClipartCastle.Com which is a great site for SF/F Clipart.

I have really been doing a lot this month, added some extra advertising, played with the source so that it looks nearly right in Netscape, added a really COOL search engine, some other backend fixes, the ability to change the background (in IE, Netscape support later, maybe...), and an RSAC rating! The RSAC rating is the thing IE uses to test the rating of a web site! I've also looked into getting an ISSN number for DRAGON (the number libraries and such use to keep track of Serials) and have submitted an application.

As for this month's stories, we have an homage to a great author's best-known series (in One With The Towel). I get to examine my own version of Hyperspace and how Phasing works in The Great Kings of Azeroth. I've included the necessary Mexican Penguin chapter (Chapter 2), a late minute addition of my own (DragonSphere), and last, but certainly not least, Pat has finally finished his first story for DRAGON, Stromgall.