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I've put together another packed issue. This issue is also, sadly, 100% Azeroth Free, through the fact that Professor Carpworth has been taking most of my writing time (I love his character, and there are so many odd stories to be told in that family). Also, The Last Train to Beldor V was an idea that came out of left field and I had to finish by this issue.

Let's first talk about future changes for DRAGONzine. I've been playing with a few CGI scripts which may give me one more item for the DRAGONeyes section (sorry about taking so long :). I've also been learning some neat cross-browser tricks, plus I've found a great (JS) script library. The next redesign may not be far off, and may be more compatible with Netscape.

Now onto the stories. Vampire Strike and Interlude continue where last month's Reality Bytes left off. They expose more of the interesting Professor von Carpworth, introduce his assistant (Bill Tunaman) and his new office building among other odd things. I've really had a lot of fun building this odd world. My favorite addition in Vampire Strike is the introduction of Dr. Gutenburg van Troutman from one of Pennsylvania's Universities. The Doctor is basically the arch enemy of the Professor, so expect more from him. [Also, sadly, I have already set to work on the fourth one in the series. Number four will have more werewolves to say the least.]

Newcomer (to DRAGON) Isabella Kraft has submitted The Warrior's Bible. The story is very interesting, just one small caveat before you begin reading through the bueatiful prose, the story is a heavier load than most of DRAGONzine's other stories... Please check out the warning on the Realm table of contents.

I've also got another odd story in this issue. The Last Train to Beldor V is true Hard Science-Fiction, the sub-genre that Asimov, Heinlein, and others all helped define and redefine. Unlike most of my other stories which start with a first line (or three), then, sometimes, a final line, and sometimes, if I am lucky, an interesting title, this story came with the Title, fully formed, first, the first (which became the second) word, and nothing else. It worked well, and I enjoyed writing the peice.

Once more, we are graced by the unique The Sun Fox which continues with Part III. It may not be the best written peice in the issue, but it has great spunk, and a good basic plot.

That's it from me, enjoy the stories, and have a good Thanksgiving! Next issue should be uploaded on Christmas Day... lets see if I'm up to the challenge, or upload on the night of the 24th.