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For as long as you can remember you've wanted to be a member of the universe-renowned Macro Transaction Force, one of the most elite forces in the galaxy. Their barrier to entry is rather high, but everyone knows it must be worth it.
NOTE: This is a work of satire from 2014. Some of the jokes may not have aged well, as satire is hard on the modern internet. Unfortunately, some of the jokes seem to be timeless.
Play the GameMacro Transaction Force Go! is a serious study in the ruination of videogames by Max Battcher.
Nothing quite says videogames like a custom engine, because why should we share our nice toys? This unnamed semi-proprietary TypeScript game engine is cobbled together (in 2023) with Butterfloat components.
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Outwardly terrifying, the Darkstar Orcs were once the unpaid labor force of the Galaxy due to their good work ethic, even if few people will pay them that compliment.
Meak and nearly extinct, the Gamma Rabbit is a quiet, friendly and fluffy species.
One of the most dangerous species in the Galaxy.
Wily and sly, the Seductrix people fill the galaxy with both desirable dreams and endless lies.