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Yggdrasil Games - About Games The Quiddity Eazer Market$hare v'Magine Join Us! Contact Us!
[Strong Version]
Eazer is not our Earth, it is a Parellel of our Earth, but it is not our Earth. This Earth is less advanced, or thus it seems, even though it has established contact with many of its neighboring stars, and the expensive but fashionable Plasma Yachts touch down on its surface frequently. Then something was about to go wrong, scientists were unsure as to the life of the planet, the humanity of Eazer was going through a horrible depression and their only hope was in going off planet. Their trading partners and friends in the stars were eager to help... at least, that is what they thought...
Eazer is an experiment in MultiPlayer gaming. Players take on the role of human on a dying planet, and take on the job of saving humanity. Their progress will be helped or hurt by the NPCs, fellow humans and alien traders. Like the world they will inhabit, there will be a deadline, a limited amount of time to learn about their world, experience the plot, and hopefully find a way off planet. At the completion, hopefully faithful players will enter a larger universe and allowed not only to explore the incredible places, but to even help build and further it.
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