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Yggdrasil Games - About Games The Quiddity Eazer Market$hare v'Magine Join Us! Contact Us!
[Strong Version]
The Quiddity is actually the Engine idea behind the game, or games if all goes well. The Engine will be a SCRAMM-based LECHUCK Library with most likely a couple of specially built plug-ins. It will be the first Massive MultiPlayer ADVENTURE Game Engine. The first game created will be Eazer an experiment to see if the engine can be built and worked with. If the game works we have an even larger, more ambitious game projected. After its completion Eazer will be dissolved into the larger game. As with such a project, hints and clues to the larger game will be woven into the plot, and readers of DRAGON will have even more hints as to the nature of the larger project. After the launch of the larger project The Quiddity itself will be released into the public domain. Some SoftWorld's Distributed Project Teams interested in playing with the engine after the release of Eazer may be given the opportunity. History shall tell if The Quiddity becomes the essence of many great projects, or just a triffling point in the history of gaming.
For more information on Eazer.