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Yggdrasil Games - About Games The Quiddity Eazer Market$hare v'Magine Join Us! Contact Us!
[Strong Version]
Market$hare is the odd card game with a sense of humor. Face off against up to three opponents (for a total of four) and try to make a corporate takeover.
There will be Six Classes of cards, Spaceships, Aliens, Planets, Weapons, Tools, and Scouts/Probes. There will be a total of 165 cards total. 155 will be used for normal games, and the additional ten are for a special "Dark Mode" which may or may not be released...
"Dark Mode" will be only available for Network play, and will hide other players cards from your view. Scouts and Probes will reveal information about another player. The incredible 10th card, is a card that everyone will want (and could call a heavy price during a game) which will let you see one of your opponents board and hand for one turn.
The heart and soul of the game is the MarketPlace, which will let you trade cards you can't use (a Beta Quadrant card isn't really useful if you are in the Alpha Quadrant). This also means that you can get the cards you need as well. Unlike games like Magic: The Gathering, all players all are dealt and draw from one deck, so the only way to get cards you really want and luck isn't your thing is through the MarketPlace.
Here is a breakdown of what the card classes do: